A burning flame has been part of the modern Olympics since?
Who was the first recorded Olympic Champion?
Who was the first recorded Olympic Champion?
Where is the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee located?
Who is known as the
Who is known as the Flying Sikh?
Which country won the first FIFA World Cup?
After how many years FIFA World Cup is held?
In Australian football, what is the maximum number of players allowed on the field at a time?
When was the first FIFA World Cup held ?
What is the National Sport of China?
What is the National Game of the USA?
How many players are there in a cricket squad?
How many players are in a football team?
Which of the following is the fastest train in the world 2020?
Which of the following is the fastest bird flying in the world?
Which of the following is the coldest country in the world?
Which of the following is the hottest planet in the universe?
Which of the following is the highest country in the world?
Which of the following is the tallest animal in the world?
Which of the following is the biggest country by area in the world?
Which of the following is the coldest place in the world?
Which of the following is the longest river by water volume in the world?
Which of the following is the longest train in the world?
Which of the following is the longest road tunnel in the world?
Which of the following is the longest river in the world?
Which of the following is the oldest country in the world?
Which of the following is the tallest monument in the world?
Which of the following is the oldest city in the world?
Which of the following is the biggest ocean in the world?
Which of the following is the highest mountain range in the world?
Which of the following is the highest lake in the world?
Which of the following is the longest mountain range in the world?
Which of the following is the heaviest metal in the world?
Which of the following is the highest mountain peak in the world?
Which of the following is the biggest planet in the world?
Which of the following is the deepest point in the world?
Which of the following is the tallest building in the world?
Which of the following is the hottest place in the world?
Which of the following is the fastest land animal in the world?
Which of the following is the deepest ocean in the world?
Which of the following is the heaviest animal in the world?
Which of the following is the longest railway platform in the world?
Which of the following is the deepest lake in the world?
Which of the following is the longest wall in the world?
Which of the following is the hottest country in the world?
Which of the following is the highest waterfall in the world?
A type of infectious disease that spreads over significant geographical areas and affects a large number of people like AIDS is known as:
The chemical formula of natural salt that we use in cooking is:
Which of the following human organ produces insulin?
Choose the correct unit of Work:
CPU stands for??.:
Which gas is used in fire extinguishers???
Choose the correct association between a disease and cause:
A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease that affects many people at the same time is known as:
Choose the correct association between a cause and the disease:
Which of the following is the hardest natural mineral:
One of the most pleasant natural smell after the rain is caused by which bacteria:
A balloon rises and floats in the air because it contains????..:
The human body is composed of around??????..bones at the time of birth:
Who gave the concept of the solar system???.:
Who gave the idea of Big bang theory?.?
The average adult human body is composed of?????..:
How much time sunlight takes to reach Earth?
The average life span of bacteria is about:
Which of the following is the most abundant element in the universe:
Choose the correct association between a disease and its cause:
The average adult human body contains?????..:
Which of the following is the largest planet in the solar system?
Choose the correct body temperature of normal human:
The average life span of platelets is about??:
Dengue fever is caused by?..?
Choose the correct three elements which are essential ingredients for plant growth:
What is the main cause of ozone depletion?
Which of the following transmission medium is the fastest:
The ozone layer acts as a natural filter and protects us from?????..:
The car batteries contain up to 50 percent of???..:
Lack of Vitamin C in the human body causes????..:
????????.plays an important role in blood clotting:
In humans total numbers of chromosomes are????:
The Earth revolves around the sun from????:
Dry air contains how much percentage of oxygen gas:
Choose the coldest planet in the universe:
????????.is the best source of Vitamin D:
Choose the universal blood donor group???..:
Which of the following disease caused by Mosquito bite?
The average life span of human red blood cells is about:
Biogas (Gobar Gas) is primarily composed of???..:
The main control center of our body is?..:
Which of the following is the mixture of smoke and fog:
Which of the following lenses is used to correct the long sight:
The main function of hemoglobin is???..:
The largest external organ in the human body is??:
Choose the main component of bones?:
Sui gas is primarily composed of???..:
The sun consists of which of the following gases:
Which of the following planet is also known as ?Red Planet?
Choose the correct age of the solar system:
Which of the following planet has the maximum number of moons:
A Solar eclipse occurs when the?????..:
Deficiency of vitamin C in the human body causes?????.:
??????????.is the branch of biology that deals with the study of organisms and their interactions with surroundings:
??????????.is the branch of biology that deals with the scientific study of animals and their behavior:
Deficiency of vitamin D in the human body causes?????.:
Deficiency of vitamin E in the human body causes?????.:
????????????is the average distance between the Earth and Sun:
???????is the study of insects and their behavior:
????????.bacterial disease affects eyes:
The sun in the solar system is:
????????is the study of plants and their development:
Choose the outermost planet in the solar system:
Choose the correct percentage of water in milk?
The density of water is maximum at???..:
The speed of light in air is about??????:
An electric current can produce which of the following effects:
Why a freely suspended magnet always points towards North and South:
The Ozone layer protects us from the sun??????????rays:
The ozone layer lies in which of the following atmosphere layer:
The basic unit of home electricity consumptions is:
The most plentiful salt in seawater is??????:
The speed of sound in air is about??????:
The most plentiful natural iron oxides are??????:
The Sunlight travels a distance of??????..before it reaches Earth:
The most plentiful elements in seawater are??????:
Which of the following rock is formed from existing rocks when subjected to high pressure and heat:
How much time light takes to travel from Sun to Earth?
??????..is the collection of reflected sounds waves by the surface of objects like floor, people and walls etc.:
Total number of bones in human body at the time of birth:
Humans belong to which of the following family:
Boiling of an egg is an example of????????.:
The telephone was invented by????????.:
We can store information permanently in:
??????..chemical are used to kill weeds:
The basic building blocks of matter are known as:
Plants which grow on other plants are known as:
Total number of bones in a grown man is about:
We can send data from one place to another through:
We can change ice from one state to another by changing???????..:
The cooking of an egg is an example of????????.:
Which of the following instrument is used to measure the amount of water in milk:
The primary raw material for ceramics is:
Which one of the following is the basic characteristic of living organism is:
Computer essential memory RAM stands for:
????????.is the unit of length used to measure astronomical distances:
Ocean tides are generated by the:
Choose correct definition of a light-year:
Our Sun belongs to which of the following category:
The efficiency of a machine is always less than 100% because of:
The sun generates energy by?????.:
In which of the following atmosphere layer communication satellite are located:
Why we weigh less on the surface of the moon as compared to Earth:
Our Sun belongs to which of the following galaxy:
How long it takes the earth to complete one rotation on its axis:
Most of the communication satellites are in which of the following orbit:
Direction of electric current flow from:
Which of the following cells transport oxygen in the human blood?
What causes the Earth?s seasons to change:
Who proposed the concept ?all motion is relative?:
Choose the correct symptoms of schizophrenia disease:
Which gas is essential for human life:
Choose the highest source of omega-3 fatty acids:
In humans Y chromosome is passed from:
Which option is true for hormones:
Choose the largest planet in our solar system:
Proteins are made up of???..:
????????is an infectious disease:
???????is not the part of protein:
The moon atmosphere consists of which type of gases:
Who gave the idea of Satellite communication around the world?
Choose the largest specie member of the cat family:
Which of the following nutrient has the greatest energy density:
The sunlight only penetrates the ocean surface to a depth of about?????..:
hich of the following vitamin is water-soluble??
hromosomes are made up of????
There are how many fat-soluble vitamins in the human diet?
How many planets we can see from the earth without a telescope:
The non-communicable diseases are also known as:
Which of the following month of the calendar year can lack a new moon?
Which language computer understands directly without translation?
Which technology is used in modern computers?
What is the basic unit of heredity?
The sharp bitter taster of unripe fruits is because of?????:
Which unit is used to measure the thickness of the ozone layer??
A shooting star is also known as:
Who is known as the father of the computer??
Atom is made up of how many subatomic particles??
The function of Hydrochloric acid?(HCL) in our stomach is??
Fear of clocks is known as???????:
Fear of trees is known as???????:
Fear of confined spaces is known as???????:
Fear of clowns is known as???????:
Fear of mirrors is known as???????:
Fear of ugliness is known as???????:
Fear of pins and needles is known as???????:
Fear of snow is known as???????:
Fear of colors is known as???????:
Fear of books is known as???????:
Fear of plants is known as???????:
Fear of being ridiculed is known as???????:
Fear of bacteria is known as???????:
Fear of computers is known as???????:
Fear of amphibians is known as???????:
Fear of gravity is known as???????:
Fear of stairs or steep slopes is known as???????:
Fear of dogs is known as???????:
Fear of Time is known as???????:
Fear of being alone is known as???????:
Fear of peanut butter is known as???????:
Fear of failure is known as???????:
Fear of heights is known as???????:
Fear of darkness is known as???????:
Fear of crowed is known as???????:
Fear of pain is known as???????:
Fear of people or society is known as???????:
Fear of needles or pointed objects is known as???????:
Fear of flowers is known as???????:
Fear of numbers is known as???????:
Fear of human-like figures e.g robots is known as???????:
Fear of thunder and lightning is known as???????:
Fear of riding in a car is known as???????:
Fear of being touched is known as???????:
Fear of disorder or untidiness is known as???????:
Fear of men is known as???????:
Fear of flying is known as???????:
Fear of imperfection is known as???????:
Fear of spiders is known as???????:
Fear of angina or choking is known as???????:
Fear of illness is known as???????:
Fear of water is known as???????:
Fear of marriage is known as???????:
Fear of women is known as???????:
Fear of long words is known as???????:
Fear of the sun is known as???????:
Fear of reptiles is known as???????:
Fear of cats is known as???????:
Fear of dentists is known as???????:
Fear of blood is known as???????:
Fear of horses is known as???????:
Fear of teenagers is known as???????:
Fear of accidents is known as???????:
Fear of knees is known as???????:
Fear of doctors is known as???????:
Fear of the home is known as???????:
Fear of insects is known as???????:
Fear of touch is known as???????:
Fear of speaking in public is known as???????:
Fear of houses is known as???????:
Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes is known as?????:
Fear of buttons is known as?????:
Fear of insects is known as???????:
Fear of dirt and germs is known as?????:
Fear of cooking is known as?????:
Fear of the dark is known as?????:
Fear of childbirth is known as?????:
Fear of rooms is known as?????:
Fear of the color black is known as?????:
Fear of snakes is known as?????:
Fear of the night is known as?????:
Fear of hospitals is known as?????:
Fear of death or dead things is known as?????:
Fear of the color white is known as?????:
Fear of gaining weight is known as?????:
Fear of rain is known as?????:
Fear of the figure 8 is known as?????:
Fear of small things is known as?????:
Fear of birds is known as?????:
Fear of large things is known as?????:
Fear of witches and witchcraft is known as???????:
Fear of fire is known as???????:
Fear of germs is known as???????:
Fear of beautiful women is known as???????:
Fear of being stared at is known as???????:
Fear of Kissing is known as???????:
Fear of feet is known as???????:
Fear of sleep is known as???????:
Fear of school is known as???????:
Fear of social evaluation is known as???????:
Fear of needles or injections is known as???????:
Fear of animals is known as???????:
Fear of the color purple is known as???????:
Fear of Holes is known as???????:
Fear of the moon is known as???????:
Fear of speed is known as???????:
Fear of love is known as???????:
Fear of phobias is known as???????:
Fear of thunder is known as???????:
Fear of ferns is known as???????:
Fear of children is known as???????:
Fear of paper is known as???????:
Fear of disease is known as???????:
Fear of flying is known as???????:
Fear of technology is known as???????:
Fear of strangers or foreigners is known as???????:
Fear of Halloween is known as???????: